Dept Math & Stat UiT, Forskningsparken B281
  12 Oct 2020 Mon 13:00-14:00

Dennis The

Simply-transitive CR real hypersurfaces in C3

Holomorphically (locally) homogeneous CR real hypersurfaces M3 in C2 were classified by Elie Cartan in 1932. A folklore legend tells that an unpublished manuscript of Cartan also treated the next dimension M5 in C3 (in conjunction with his study of bounded homogeneous domains), but no paper or electronic document currently circulates.

Over the past 20 years, significant progress has been made on the 5-dimensional classification problem. Recently, only the simply-transitive, Levi non-degenerate case remained. Kossovskiy-Loboda settled the Levi definite case in 2019, and Loboda announced a recent solution to the Levi indefinite case in June 2020, both implementing normal form methods.

In my talk, I will describe joint work with Doubrov & Merker in which we use an independent approach to settle the simply-transitive, Levi non-degenerate classification.